Mr Stephen R. Usher MSc. BSc (Hons) Computer Systems Administrator, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford. OX1 3AN E-Mail: Tel:- Oxford (01865) 282110 (UK) or +44 1865 282110 (International).
I also have a PGP public key available.
Grew up in the little village of Houghton Conquest, just north of Ampthill, Bedfordshire. I spent many a happy hour walking and playing in the fields and woods. I later moved to Pertenhall, just south of Kimbolton.
I started school at Houghton Conquest Primary School at the age of five, left Kimbolton School at the age of 19 to go to University.
Spent three years studying Geology at University College London. Obtained a 2ii honours degree at the end of it despite spending most of my time playing with the college's computer system, EUCLID.
This was the place I met the Net.. I've been on it (using the handle "Ford Prefect" or some variation/contraction of it) ever since. It's also the place I became friends with Alec "Roadrunner" Muffett (of Crack fame) and Rob "Whalemeat" Newson (sadly not famous at all) and helped create the "Bullet" bulletin board software.
During this time I also wrote a 'clone' of the UCL BBC Micro terminal emulator for the Sinclair QL.
In late April 1992 I started here, at the Department of Earth Sciences, as Computer Systems Administrator where I look after the research network and act as a one-man computing service, doing network administration, user helpdesk, computer repair man, you know the sort of thing.